Dobby looms have a dobby system, which allows you to select the combination of shafts for every shed opening in a weaving draft. The great advantage of a dobby loom is that it avoids the necessity and the labor involved in making multiple tie-ups and allows expansion into more shafts than could be accommodated on a floor loom with treadle tie-ups. Most weavers prefer the electronic dobby interface instead of mechanical bars and pegs, but both are available.
The Megado loom features a countermarch shed. This is accomplished by lifting the back beam at the same time as the shafts are being lifted. The beam movement also compensates for changes in warp tension as the shed is made. An innovative construction ensures the action of the well-balanced treadle, very light in operation. This main treadle and also the optional weaving bench are adjustable in height to accommodate the weaver’s physical requirements. Adjusting blocks can be added to the treadle and footrail to ensure a comfortable weaving position.
The Megado looms also have the patented Louët floating breast beam system, just like the Spring and Delta looms. This unique warp tension control system allows the weaver to re-set the warp tension each time the warp is advanced, back to the tension before the warp was released.