Helping Hands for 22" Harrisville Looms

  • $34.95
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-4 in stock

This handy tool holds your lease sticks at a convenient position for sleying the reed and beaming.  Once the warp is wound on, the helping hands is moved to a position holding the lease sticks near the heddle eyes for threading.  

The 22" Weaving Width Harrisville Looms come with dowels instead of lease sticks. We recommend normal lease sticks for use with the helping hands.  We have an option below for the helping hands + lease sticks.  The lease sticks that work perfectly with this loom are the Leclerc 24" lease sticks; they are nicely varnished and are 25 1/2" long, 3/4" deep and 3/8" thick. 

If you have your own lease sticks, they need to be a maximum of 1" width (the flat surface), 3/8" thick and a minimum of 22 1/2" long.  The length can be longer as the sides of the bases are open.

 It is recommended that you use a raddle secured to the top of the loom.  Our LoftyFiber raddles work perfectly with this loom:  The optional tray from Harrisville Designs should be removed to attach the LoftyFiber raddle.  

We don't yet have videos of the helping hands, but the links to the videos work almost exactly the same.

This video shows component of the Helping Hands on another loom:  Video Link

Warping Demo Using Helping Hands:  Video Link

For a more complete demo of warping, click here.  :  Video Link