Rolling in Rigid Heddle Looms
Left-- The Ashford Looms: The Ashford Rigid Knitter's Loom (Top) & The Knitter's Loom (Bottom) Right-- The Schacht Looms: The Flip Loom (Top) & The Cricket Loom (Bottom) ...
Rolling in Rigid Heddle Looms
Left-- The Ashford Looms: The Ashford Rigid Knitter's Loom (Top) & The Knitter's Loom (Bottom) Right-- The Schacht Looms: The Flip Loom (Top) & The Cricket Loom (Bottom) ...
Adventures in Inkle Looms
I started my adventure into inkle weaving, because I was looking for a way to make a decorative woven drawstring for a skirt. I also wanted to be able...
Adventures in Inkle Looms
I started my adventure into inkle weaving, because I was looking for a way to make a decorative woven drawstring for a skirt. I also wanted to be able...